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Anatomy of a Diamond

When people either read about diamonds or go to buy one, they often end up emphasizing on the 4Cs of the diamonds and its shape. More often than not, diamond anatomy takes a back seat in their decision-making process to buy diamond jewellery. The reasons behind not analyzing the diamond stone or jewellery from its head-to-toe are due to less to nil knowledge about them. This guide will help you understand a diamond's anatomy with details on why knowing about his topic is quite essential to buy a diamond accessory.

Various Factors of Anatomy of Diamonds

A diamond's anatomy consists of several important components, including diameter, table, and depth. All three of these together define the overall shape and size of the precious stone. But bear in mind that the cut of the diamond is not the same as its anatomy. Both of these aspects the stone are not similar to each other and provide completely different knowledge about the rock.
In a quick overview; a diamond's cut refers to its proportioned facets, which reflect the light, making the stone to appear bright. On the other hand, the anatomy of the diamond includes the different components of the rock that defines it as a precious, sparkly stone.


A diamond's table is the largest facet or the top horizontal surface of the stone. The average size of the table is expressed in the form of the average girdle diameter (explained later) of the diamond. Usually, a table size between 52 to 62 percent is considered as an excellent grade diamond.


One of the essential components is the girdle of the diamond, which functions as a diamond's setting edge. The girdle is the middle portion of the diamond stone, which separates the pavilion with the crown of the stone. The thickness of the girdle is determined from its thinnest to the thickest area. Keep in mind that you must look for a diamond with 'medium' girdle, as a thick one adds weight to the stone, where it is not necessary; and a thin girdle makes a diamond fragile and prone to chipping.

A diamond's diameter is the width of the girdle.


As mentioned in various other jewellery guides of Melorra, the crown of the diamond refers to the top surface of the stone, which runs from the upper edge of the girdle to the table. It is the face that faces the observer and allows the light to reach the eye for the stone to appear brilliant with sparkle. 


The lower portion of the diamond that runs from the lower edge of the girdle till the culet is called the pavilion depth. It is the pavilion depth that determines the amount of light that either gets reflected or leaked from the stone based on if it's too shallow or deep. A well-cut and rounded diamond stone will reflect most of the light through the crown.


The tip of the diamond that remains hidden behind the jewellery set is termed as the culet. The size of the culet affects the diamond's face-up appearance. Usually, culet has an average width, ranging from none, very small, small, medium to slightly large, large, very large, and extremely large. In case there is no culet, it is referred to as a pointed culet.

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